Weave Team- Lil Gardiner & Lizzie Herbert

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Weave Team – Rachael Mary0Clare & Shiv Martin

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Weave Team – Lucy Fleming & Emily Jenner

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Weave Team- Ryan Brockbank & Hannah Manton

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Weave Team – Rosie Bowman-Shaw & Katherine Davies

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Final designs and basic flats

Screen Shot 2014-01-24 at 10.55.28 AM Screen Shot 2014-01-24 at 10.55.39 AMHere you can see my final jacket and trousers design, also technical flats. There is an oversized t shirt as the undergarment which has two zips put into the front and back, along side to split sides to give the garment the ability to flair and move around the body.


Final design – Front and Back – Oversized skiwear

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Oversized ski jacket line up

Collaboration Line up

Collaboration Line up

Six oversized ski jackets with extended sleeves and detachable hoods.

Black panels indicate Ventile a completely waterproof material.

The Prints were inspired by the eden project and kaleidoscopes, which were then manipulated and re worked with for a contemporary ski jacket.

Freestyle Skiing

Freestyle Skiing

Freestyle Skiing

200151857-001 Unknown i One of the main concepts within freestyle skiing is looking effortless, this is created by oversized clothes reducing the amount of movement that is seen by viewers.

Masking is when skiers will cover every inch of their face with hats, helmets, masks, rags to make themselves unknown to all other skiers.

Fastskin FS PRO – Streamlining the body

Fastskin - high performance swimwear

Fastskin – high performance swimwear

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