Monthly Archives: March 2014

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Jasmine Gandey and Sophia Cutler


Whirlpool Effect

Here is my main idea, on the picture : a rose in paper, in origami.
I just wanted to find this “whirlpool” effect in my work, but I also think that the folding is interesting, it goes from a same point, from a samtumblr_mxm1q8D4qw1rtr4bno1_1280e base.
In sculpture the idea of the finish is important, here the principle is to “roll” the edges of the flower in order that the petals look more real. I just tried to figure it out in my productions.
The clay isn’t a thing that I master easily and perfectly.
After some attempts (that I didn’t keep), I choose to go continue on this idea of a same point which turns. This is what I did during the first session, I didn’t like the result.
Then, I made a superposition of round bases of clay (for petals) that I manipulated properly.
During the drying, the clay caused some crackles: I choose not to fix that and play with that effect, to arrive at something I wanted.

The photo in the middle shows you what I finally obtained, which started to look like a rose.
With pieces of fabrics and plaster, we have to do differents things.
I dived a piece of fabric in the plaster, and I put it on a square framework.
Perrine Fournier, second year student in Visual Arts, Amiens

Mon idée principale était celle de la rose en papier, en origami. J’ai voulu retrouver cet effet tourbillonnant dans mon travail plastique, je trouve que le plié est intéressant, le fait que tout part d’un même point, d’une même base.
En sculpture l’idée de finition est importante, j’ai roulé les bords de ma rose pour qu’elle paraisse plus réelle.
L’argile n’est pas un medium que je maîtrise parfaitement, c’est pourquoi il m’a fallu effectuer plusieurs essais avant d’être convaincue.
Pendant le séchage de la terre, celle-ci s’est craquelée, j’ai choisi de jouer avec cet effet au lieu de le réparer.
Avec des morceaux de tissu et du plâtre, nous avons eu l’occasion de faire plusieurs choses. En trempant mon morceau de tissu dans du plâtre et en le posant sur une armature carrée de grillage, voici ce que j’ai obtenu.
Perrine Fournier, deuxième année d’Arts Plastiques, Amiens perrinemails@yahoo.frtumblr_mxm1q8D4qw1rtr4bno2_1280


Université of Picardie select UofB Digital Prints to create their sculptures

My colleagues, Ghislaine Vappereau and Elisabeth Piot, who are both sculptors and teachers at the University of Picardy, have chosen two designs out of a selection of images proposed to us by the Brighton College of Arts. They are : Islamic Mosque Window, by Ms Davidson, and 3D Hexagon, by Ms Lovell.

The designs are now to be printed onto fabrics, shipped to us and turned into sculptural artefacts by our students. Some of the preparatory clay models for these sculptures can be seen in this blog.

The works which were submitted to us were all very good, and the choice was difficult. My colleagues selected the designs according to two criteria : first, for the outstanding beauty of the images, then for the possibility of adapting the designs into three dimensional objects.

The Islamic Mosque Window design opens many artistic possibilities, the perspective effects of a window looking on to oriental culture. And it also bridges over French and British civilisations.Islamic_Blog




The 3D Hexagon design was the perfect cross-border collaboration design, as the hexagon is one of the well-known symbols of France, and its graphic 3D style is particularly adapted to foldings and trompe-l’oeil effects.

On behalf of the Amiens College of Arts, I would like to congratulate Ms Davidson and Ms Lovell.

Alain Corbiere, Out-of-the-Blue project coordinator at the College of Arts, Amiens.
alain.corbiere@free.fr3D hexagon_small

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