Monthly Archives: April 2014

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Partner visit – April 5th 2014

Our French colleagues and students visited the Faculty of Art in April. This visit was a great opportunity to discuss the project success and consider the next steps in our collaboration. We enjoyed tours of the Faculty and then a visit to St Bartholomews to discuss plans for the June show and exhibition. We then all attended the University of Brighton 2nd year student’s fashion show at Coalition (FAT). The photography students from Amiens documented the day and the evening event as well as doing photo shoot of the WOAD garments to be displayed at both Gala events in June. The Université of Picardie’s students also documented the event on film and in cartoon style animations.


Print Team – Jemima Taylor & Rosie Atkinson

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Print Team- Sas Hadley & Hugo Snodgrass

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Print Team – Joe Taylor and Ramona Bigwood

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