Digital Marketing Individual Reflective

Reflection On Group Presentation

In this reflective assessment I will analyse my participation in the group assignment and the skills I have identified to development to enhance my employability skill set. It is important to note that due to the Covid-19 pandemic it was necessary to work remotely to complete this task which presented new challenges to adapt to, such as the effect of limited opportunity for social interaction to work collaboratively and inevitable technical difficulties.

After the assignment brief was released, we divided the presentation into sections and assigned parts to each member. However, we didn’t select a team leader to co-ordinate the task, nor timeframes for completion of the work, or arrange any group follow up meetings in order to discuss and manage progression. All of these decisions would have assisted with ensuring the assignment was completed on time and troubleshoot any issues that occurred which could impact on task completion. Team leaders are essential to a successful team as they ‘offer guidance’ and ‘ensure all team members are fulfilling their roles’ (Joseph, 2019) The absence of a team leader resulted in us having very little communication and direction and meant we lacked overall management and coordination.

On reflection, another problem we faced as a group was inadequate communication. We only connected as a group through text messages and this resulted in confusion as we were unable to create a clear vision for the presentation. A group can only work together effectively with good communication skills from each individual member (Ahmed, 2019) otherwise poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and a loss of efficiency. It is clear that we gave limited consideration to the effectiveness of communication when beginning this task, and this had significant consequences for the overall success of the assignment.

In conclusion I was very pleased with my contribution to the presentation however after submission I realised that I had conducted website analysis on the wrong company. With better organisation and communication our group could have avoided this basic mistake by ensuring we were clear on the task requirements and allocated time to proof read our work before submission. This task has shown me the importance of organisation and communication in order to complete a group task successfully and I will be making sure that in the future I draw on these experiences to ensure that I do not make the same mistakes.

When approaching new tasks, I will make sure that as a group we select a team leader and create a plan of action for the work. By creating dates for completion, it will be easier to track the progression of the task and therefore allow us to make changes accordingly. A plan will also reduce the chance of future work being handed in incomplete.

I will also make sure that my group members have regular communication about the task and engage in Video calls so that we can all make sure we fully understand the what is expected of each individual. By having regular meetings, it will guarantee a constant focus on the task and create a sense of responsibility between group members


Ahmed, A. (2019). Effective Group Communication Processes. [online] Available at:

Joseph, C. (2019). Importance of a Leader In a Team. [online] Available at:




E-mail marketing

Email Marketing;

The e-mail that I am analysing is MyProtein. Before I talk about this e-mail, I think its important to note that I have purchased from this website last night before I received this e-mail this morning.

Firstly, this is not an e-mail I would typically click on because it seems to be a non-personalised generic sales newsletter sent to everyone on their mailing list. This is because it doesn’t mention my name anywhere on the e-mail or refer to any products, I was clicking on last time I was on their website.

The e-mail includes a very colourful, simplified screen capture of the website highlighting the categories of items they have on promotion with clear links that take me straight to the website. The links are accompanied by large pictures relating to each category with bold text overlayed telling me the sales prices relating to these products.

The layout of the e-mail looks professional and simplistic. The e-mail is informative and shows me exactly what areas of promotion I will find if I choose to follow the links. However, it’s only telling me a deal that applies to ‘over 200 products’ instead of actually catching my attention in terms of suggesting new products to me. For example, another e-mail I’ve received from Size? Includes lots of suggestions for new products or brands that I may be interested in looking at. This type of email is far more likely to spark my interest as I can scroll through several new products before potentially deciding to move over to their website whereas MyProtein didn’t get my engagement initially.

The landing page for the MyProtein links depends on which link is click. The logo takes me straight to the website homepage, on the other hand clicking on product related links take me to the page of the product category.

Website analysis of Nike



The website I am analysing is Nike is one of the largest sportwear brands in the world and has been in business for over half a century. The first thing I see when I open the webpage is that it is incredible easy to find what you are looking for; the home page shows areas of potential interest such as sales areas and gender related products however if this isn’t specific enough there are drop down boxes with more specific search options such as trainers or tops. Of course, there is always a search bar if you need to type in the key words for your search in order to save time.

The page layout in clean and consistent across the whole website. The colour scheme is in white and black but uses splashes of colours for their promotional pictures and campaign designs. Overall, the design is very simple and pleasing to the eye and focuses heavily on pictures of their products, making it rare to find large areas of text. All text displayed on the website is easy to read, using the same font and colour.

The next thing I notice when using the site, is how quick and easy it is to navigate. All of the embedded links on the site are working, fast and take you to the desired location. There’s no loading times or pages that ‘cannot be found’ as you would expect from such a professional site such as Nike. The pages displaying the products are smooth and in the form of a frameless scroll design instead of clicking through pages. This is nice because it allows you to see a lot more on the same page and feels a lot more relaxing and visually pleasing.

There is also a ‘Get Help’ page that allows users to chat to a member of staff and discuss and queries that they may need resolving regarding orders or just general questions. This is a great addition to any website as it can save lots of time and effort on behalf of both the customers and staff. Also, the website provides links for all of their social media accounts so that customers can follow and be kept updated with all the news released relating to Nike and their products.

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