School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Group of students in Elm House bird's eye view

Module insight: International Law and Socio-Economic Development

Our International Law and Socio-Economic Development module (DB662) is delivered across a number of courses. The module allows leaners to consider the relationship between international law and development, and how the interplay shapes the practice of each. By examining the expansion of international regulation of economic activity in multilateral institutions, learners consider the effectiveness of…

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On small earthquakes in Sussex

By Kevin Turner, Principal Lecturer, Brighton Business School The controversial technique called hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’ has transformed US oil and gas output with major benefits for the economy and particularly manufacturing industry. A recent report by the consultancy IHS cited in The Economist [1] predicts a $533 billion boost to US GDP by 2025…

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