School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Award winners in Elm House Atrium

The School of Business and Law Awards for Excellence 2024

Congratulations to all the prize winners recently attending our Awards of Excellence Ceremony.

The annual event, which took place in Elm House, is an opportunity to recognise and celebrate our graduating students’ hard work and achievements. Prizes were awarded to over 40 students, sponsored by many of the School of Business and law associate business partners.

Kate Robinson, Dean of the School of Business and Law said:

“The cohort we celebrate has contended with the external influences of Covid-19 and the cost-of-living crisis, so to reach this point, stay with us and to achieve, makes it even more important to acknowledge their excellence.”

Business and Marketing Sponsored Award Winners 2024

Student Elry Hunt-Green with Marketing Management course leader Liz HawkinsThe Bright Young Things Award for the best performing final–year student on the Marketing Management BSc(Hons)

Award: Gift hamper
Prize winner: Elry Hunt-Green


Student Luca Miles with Marketing Management course leader Liz HawkinsThe Creative Hub Award for the best performing students on the Futurism for Marketers module

Award: Collection of future thinking texts and chocolate
Prize winner: Luca Miles


Student Declan Shinnick with Marketing Management course leader Liz HawkinsThe Seed Award for the best performing digital final year Marketing Management BSc(Hons) student]

Award: £50 voucher
Prize winner: Declan Shinnick


Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with student Mohamed AbedThe MTD Sales Training Award for the best-performing student on the Marketing Management and Leadership module

Award: A two-day Essential Selling Skills training course with ISM accreditation
Prize winner: Mohamed Abed

Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with student Rebecca DarcyThe VisitBrighton Award for the highest-performing event student

Award: VisitBrighton gift box including Terre a Terre restaurant voucher
Prize winner: Rebecca Darcy


Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with student Charley PughThe VisitBrighton Award for the highest-performing tourism student

Award: VisitBrighton gift box including a Terre a Terre restaurant voucher
Prize winner: Charley Pugh


The Self Worth Academy Award for the most engaged/best contributing Foundation Year student

Award: 2 x coaching sessions
Prize winner: Zakk Minarik

The CIPD Sussex Branch Award for the final-year student with the best overall performance on our Management (Human Resources) MSc

Award: £100 book token
Prize Winner: Artemis Kazi

Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with Luke HopkinsonThe Carden Prize for the best performing final year International Business Management BSC(Hons) student

Award: £100
Prize winner: Luke Hopkinson


Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with student, Emma BoughtonThe Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce Award for best contribution to the local economy – criteria best individual reflective statement on the Developing Professional Practice in Business module

Award: £25 book token and one year’s individual membership of the BHCC
Prize winner: Emma Boughton

The Stefan Speckesser Associate Dean Prize for best performing Economics BSC(Hons) student

Award: £150
Prize winner: Luc Gorrie

Stefan Speckesser with student Isobel JonesThe Preston Insurance Brokers Award for the best performing final-year Business Studies with Finance BSc(Hons) student

Award: £250
Prize winner: Isabel Jones


Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with students Richard Andrews, Georgia Smith and Becca Caroll.The Enterprise Rent-a-Car Award for the top performing students on the Developing Professional Practice in Business Module

Award: 3 x £100
Prize winners: Richard Andrews, Georgia Smith and Becca Carroll

Student Florence Chelkowski-Giove with Marketing Management course leader Liz HawkinsThe Chartered Institute of Marketing Award for the best Marketing Planning and Strategy student

Award: One year’s Affiliate Membership
Prize winner: Florence Chelkowski-Giove


The MTD Management Training and Development Award for the best-performing student on the Marketing Management and Leadership module

Award: A two-day Essential Selling Skills training course with ISM Accreditation worth over £525
Prize winner: Matt Hague

Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with student Emily SchofieldThe Maycock HR Innovation Award for the final-year student with the most innovative research assignment on our Business Management with HRM BSc(Hons)

Award: £125
Prize winner: Emily Schofield

Rachael Carden, Associate Dean with students Samantha Mciver, Aashi Reddy, Nathaniel Myers and Luke HopkinsonThe Brighton and Hove Bus Company Award for the most creative business idea on the Entrepreneurship module

Award: £50 L2S voucher plus 1-month free travel

Prize winners: Samantha Mciver, Luke Hopkinson, Nathaniel Myers and Aashi Reddy Day

Law Sponsored Award Winners 2024

Carolyn Lewis with student Anouszka TavernaThe Brighton LLB Fortitude Award for the Law LLB(Hons) student who has overcome personal adversity to graduate with Honours

Award: £50 Amazon voucher
Prize winner: Anouszka Taverna


Student Jeslica Fernandres with Carolyn LewisThe Brighton LLB Appreciation Award for the Law LLB(Hons) student who has consistently supported others to develop by adding value to the student experience

Award: £50 Amazon voucher
Prize winner: Jeslica Fernandes

Cailin Morrison with students Abraham Dosumu and Felicity StewartThe Burt Brill and Cardens Award for the best performing Law LLB(Hons) student in the final-year Equity and Trusts module

Award: £100
Prize winners: Felicity Stewart and Abraham Dosumu


Cailin Morrison with student Courtney PearceTor’s Law Brilliant & Resilient Award

Award: 3 x mentoring sessions
Prize winner: Courtney Pearce



Cailin Morrison with student Lottie NewcombeThe Stowe Family Law Prize for the final-year Family Law student who has demonstrated strong academic achievement in family law

Award: A two-day work experience, or £100 cash prize
Prize winner: Lottie Newcombe


The 1 Crown Office Row, Brighton Award for the final-year Family Law student who has demonstrated strong academic achievement in family law

Award: £200
Prize winner: Emily Denman

Richard-Ager from One Crown-Office with students Isha Sharma, Nihinlola Efuwape, James Murray and Dina SammaliThe 1 Crown Office Row, Brighton Award for the students who have made an outstanding contribution to the University of Brighton Legal Clinic

Award: £250 shared
Prize winners: James Murray, Dina Sammali, Isha Sharma, Jo March and Nihinlola Efuwape

Clare English from Martin Searle Solicitors with student Hannah KleinThe Martin Searle Solicitors Award for the best performing Employment Law student

Award: £50 book token and one week’s work placement
Prize winner: Hannah Klein


Cailin Morrison with student James LancasterThe Thomson Reuters Law Award for the best performance in the final-year Legal Research Project

Award: £75 of Thomson Reuters books
Prize winner: James Lancaster


Cailin Morrison with student Lia TaylorThe DMH Stallard Award for the best-performing student on the Law of Torts module

Award: £100
Prize winner: Lia Taylor


Stuart Taylor of Westgate Chambers and student Millie ReevesThe Westgate Chambers Award for the best performing students on the Criminal Law module

Award: £100 book token
prize winner: Millie Reeves


The Awards for Excellence 2024 event was unforgettable, highlighting our students’ academic brilliance and determination.

Congratulations to all the award winners, and a heartfelt thank you to our sponsors for their continued support of our students and their achievements.

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Christina Camm • August 19, 2024

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