School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Ollie Taylor

Meet marketing grad Ollie who now works for the Uni of Brighton

Meet Ollie, one of our Marketing Management BSc(Hons) graduates who now works in the marketing and communications department here at the University of Brighton. Ollie is the Marketing Campaigns Officer in the Careers and Employability team.

We sat down with Ollie to find out more about what his course was like, his current job and what he’d say to someone considering studying at Brighton.

What was your course like?

Marketing Management is a varied course with a wide range of topics across modules, ranging from accounting and finance to consumer psychology. I feel like the course gave me a chance to explore different areas of marketing and find my strengths and weaknesses in each of these areas, as well as help clarify my career goals.

I appreciated the wide range of assessment criteria, which didn’t just consist of essays and exams, but included group presentations and video projects. This kept the course engaging and representative of how you would be assessed in future employment.

What did you like the most about your degree?

All the staff at the School of Business and Law were so welcoming from the start of my course, and always put not just my academic achievement at the forefront of everything they did, but my wellbeing too.

I had several opportunities to work with clients on the course, gaining valuable experience and enhancing my employability. As my manager has now told me, this experience is what set me apart from other applicants for my current job!

Being able to graduate my course with a Level 6 Diploma in Digital Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing also set me apart from other graduates in the field.

What would you say to another student who’s considering studying marketing at Brighton uni?

Make the most of the open days and student ambassadors and ask any questions you may have – it really gives you a chance to get a ‘feel’ for the University of Brighton and speak to current students and staff about their opinions of the course.

The university is also keen on ensuring that students from all backgrounds have equal opportunities here, and offers a range of support for disadvantaged students, or students who may not be as likely to complete higher education. As a care leaver, the university supported me in a range of ways, and can do for students from a range of socio-economic backgrounds, from financial help in the form of bursaries, to ensuring I had kitchen equipment and bedding in my first few days in halls.

How did your course prepare you for the workplace?

On the Marketing Management degree there are a range of in-course client projects, including working in groups with local businesses – something that has set me up well for working with clients and delivering projects confidently.

The course also provided me with practical skills such as project management, teamwork and communication. Group projects, case studies and presentations throughout my course helped me develop my skills and confidence to work in a team in the workplace.

Tell me how you’ve ended up working for the University of Brighton.

In my final year I was working with the Careers and Employability service to enhance my CV and practice interview techniques, before finding a role on Careers Connect that looked perfect. I can’t stress enough how helpful the Careers and Employability service is in helping prepare me for work and sell myself to potential employers.

Why did you want to work at the uni?

The university enables me to achieve my best, and I appreciate the opportunities for ongoing learning and development that the University of Brighton provides.

What do you like about your job?

In my role I’m given the freedom to explore innovative ideas on social media and have the freedom to communicate with students in ways that I feel are most effective.

I always feel like my voice matters, and my opinions are taken on board. I’ve also been given the ability to continue into postgraduate studies at the university.

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Brightoncare leavercareercareer and employability teamChartered Institute of MarketingCIMclient projectscommunicationsemployabilityexperienceLevel 6 Diploma in Digital Marketinglive client briefsMarketingMarketing Management BScPlacementpractical experienceSchool of Business and LawuniUniversity of brightonwork experience

Zoe Cassell • February 22, 2023

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