School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Fourth-year law student Sara

Fourth-year law student leads mindfulness session as part of wellbeing week

LLB Law student Sara recently finished an internship at London law firm – Universa Law, so understands all about having a busy schedule and needing to unwind.

As part of wellbeing week, Sara led a mindfulness session for students and staff. The session started with breathing exercises and then moved on to colour therapy, both of which are great strategies to become more mindful.

Students taking part in colour therapy

“Practising mindfulness can be a great way to take a break from worldly pressures. I feel that even 10 minutes a day makes a great difference to the health of your mind.

“It was great to see people explore mindfulness in the session and feel the benefits within the first 20mins.” 

Mindfulness colouring

Students and staff enjoyed the session, with groups discussing other ways to look after their wellbeing. 

For new students, Sara’s mindfulness session was also a great way to meet new people. 

Prioritising your wellbeing  

Your Student Support and Guidance Tutor, Stuart, is available to talk to about any personal and wellbeing issues. He’ll listen to your concerns, talk you through your options, and can also direct you to specialist services across the uni. You can email Stuart on or find out more about the type of things he can support you with. 

Interested in becoming a wellbeing champion? Find out more and enrol online

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breathing exercisescolour therapylawlaw degreeLLB Lawmindfulnessmindfulness sessionSSGTstudent lifeStudent Support and Guidance Tutorstudent wellbeingWellbeingwellbeing week

Zoe Cassell • November 21, 2022

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