School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Tania Murphy on soft skills and industrial placements

Tania Murphy graduated from Brighton Business School with a BA in Business Studies in 2009. She explains how this experience led her to her current role as a Credit Analyst for the Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Being a Brighton Business School graduate has been the biggest professional blessing tania-murphyin my career. The curriculum and tutors there were outstanding and not just in the academic context. The industrial placement offered me the opportunity to work in a professional environment, it was from this experience where I learned that developing my soft skills was equally as important as academic achievements. I was lucky to be assigned a tutor who patiently helped me develop my writing skills, something that I still need to this day in my career.

Since graduation, I have been working across the banking sector in the City of London. I started in Lloyds Banking Group as I held a part time job there when I was in Brighton, I took an opportunity to work Corporate Banking. From there I moved to Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ in the Risk Management Division within Structured Finance, where I was awarded EMEA Operational Excellence Award in 2013. Bank of America Merrill Lynch then presented me with a good opportunity within their Wholesale Credit division and a year later, another opportunity was presented to me in Singapore. I have now lived in Singapore for a year and loving the different working cultures and the city. Hopefully, the trend will continue and there will be many more opportunities in the years to come.

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Joshua Callarman • May 4, 2017

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