School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

£1,000 prize for graduate

Eleanor Weston, Accounting and Finance graduate

Eleanor Weston, 2016 BSc(Hons) Accounting and Finance graduate

Eleanor Weston, a Brighton Business School graduate has won £1,000 for her essay on the NHS.

Eleanor Weston’s ‘Should the NHS be free to every citizen regardless of health choices’ took the undergraduate award in the Institute of Business Ethics’ student essay contest.

The competition celebrates the best writing and thinking by undergraduates and postgraduates on business ethics and aims to encourage student interest in business ethics and the integration of discussions on corporate responsibility into the core curricula of business schools.

Eleanor, who graduated with a BSc(Hons) in Accounting and Finance this summer, is now working for a London accountancy firm. She said: “I wrote this essay as I have a keen interest in the ethics of the NHS and am delighted to have won the competition. This award will greatly benefit me in the future as I work with multiple businesses.”

The Institute of Business Ethics is a charity which promotes high standards of business practice based on ethical values. For more information, go to:

The prize was donated by the Gordon Cook Foundation, established in 1974 to promote and develop values education in the British education systems.

For information on Eleanor’s Brighton Business School course, go to:

To read Eleanor’s essay, go to:


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Accounting and FinanceawardsUndergraduateWriting

Clare Prust • October 17, 2016

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