School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Matt Boucher: Proud to be a graduate of Brighton Business School

Matt Boucher, BA (Hons) International Business

Matt Boucher, BA (Hons) International Business

Matt Boucher, who is now a Junior Community Manager in Berlin, graduated from Brighton Business School in 2015 in International Business.

“I am proud to be a Brighton Business School graduate because not only has the university given me the perfect preparation to work in my desired industry of creative marketing/social media, but also given me the confidence to move abroad to a new city.

“Within months of graduating I started working at a marketing agency in London, being part of a team who promoted the latest James Bond, Star Wars and Marvel films, which was the experience of a lifetime!

“I have subsequently moved to Berlin, a move which has been made very easy thanks to my Erasmus study period at uni, to work in one of the fastest growing European travel communities, I will always cherish the memories I have from studying at Brighton, and I am always thankful for the experience and knowledge I have gained from studying there.”

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Clare Prust • August 15, 2016

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