School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Law, neoliberalism and social protest: lessons from TTIP

Multi-disciplinary workshop – 16-17 May 2016TTIP Poster

This multi-disciplinary workshop will take place on 16-17 May 2016 at the University of Brighton. It will be followed by a public debate on TTIP in the evening of 17 May, which is part of the Brighton Fringe Festival.

The academic workshop will critically discuss the process of negotiation and drafting of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), and certain controversial aspects of its proposed content. It will bring together legal scholars, social scientists and activists in order to explore the role law and lawyers have so far played in the social contestation over TTIP and to draw more general lessons about the role of law in social movements.


Professor Diamond Ashiagbor (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London)
Dr Lucy Finchett-Maddock (University of Sussex)
Paul Gilbert (Brunel University)
John Hilary (War on Want)
Prof Wolfram Schaffer (University of Vienna)
Prof David Schneiderman (University of Toronto)
Prof M. Sornarajah (National University of Singapore)
Dr Neil Stammers (University of Sussex)
Ntina Tzouvala (University of Durham)


Professor Marie-Bénédicte Dembour (University of Brighton)
Dr Anil Yilmaz (University of Essex)

For further details regarding location and times, please contact Chris Matthews.

Public debate – 17 May 2016 at 7pm at the Sallis Benney Theatre

The public debate event is organised by the University of Brighton and the RSA as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival. The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is currently being negotiated. Should we find this mega trade agreement between the EU and the US enticing or frightening? Will it bring growth and jobs or will it kill democracy?


Jacqueline Minor (European Commission)
Allie Renison (Institute of Directors)
John Hilary (War on Want)
Prof David Schneiderman (Toronto)
Q&A session chaired by Prof Marie-Bénédicte Dembour (Brighton).

TTIP concerns us all, so don’t miss the debate with our prominent panellists who represent various views.

For further information and to book tickets (£5/£3), visit the Brighton Fringe box office website. Tickets are also available to purchase on the door, subject to availability. Follow the debate at  #TTIPBrighton

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Clare Prust • May 6, 2016

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