School of Business and Law

At the School of Business and Law, University of Brighton, we teach, research and consult across the full range of business, management and law disciplines.

Business Benefits

Relationships between our courses and industry are two way partnerships at the
University of Brighton.

Our students undertake placements and engage with businesses to gain experience
and real world knowledge. In turn, businesses benefit from bringing new talent,
outlooks and insights into their workplaces. Many of our courses are developed with
industry input so that our graduates meet real recruitment needs.

Final year students from a range of Hastings based business courses are now working
together to invite local businesses to listen to their presentations and findings as
a key part of their assessment.

Not only have they been tasked with developing their own relevant and useful content
to present on the day, but they are also expected to manage the event, from start to
finish, including planning, promotion and evaluation; exactly as would be expected from
real industry professionals.

This year’s event, which will be held on 8 December at the Priory Square building,
also includes a keynote address from Jane Ollis, Managing Director of Rift Accounting
and former CEO of BSK, who will be presenting an exploration of the pit-traps and
treacherous terrain facing small business start-ups; adding value to local businesses
attending. You can read the bio she kindly provided at the foot of this page.

The students provided their own summary of the event:

“This is a chance for soon to be graduates to engage with local businesses and
present two informative and relevant seminars on Entrepreneurship and
Intrapreneurship. This event will enable local businesses to not only network
with other businesses in the area but to also benefit from the latest teaching
on business strategy, which could be useful to them within their own companies.
They will also get the chance to exchange contact details with the students for
future potential employment opportunities; an advantage to both parties.

There will be two streams of three seminars running, with the first stream focusing
on Entrepreneurship starting off with ‘Understanding the World of Entrepreneurship’
followed by ‘Turning your Hobby or Interest into a Business’ leading on to ‘Are
Entrepreneurs really different?’

The second stream will focus on Intrapreneurship with the first seminar being
‘Intrapreneurs – What they are and why you should be one’ followed by ‘Why you need
Intrapreneurs working for you’ rounded off with ‘Intrapreneurs – the future
of Business’ There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of each presentation.

At the end of the seminars (approx. 8.00pm) guests and students will be able to
network over refreshments including wine, tea and coffee, as well as snacks to
conclude the evening.”

The event will run from 5.00-9.00pm, including networking opportunities before and
afterthe presentations. It is open to all, but places are limited so please book to
avoid disappointment by emailing

If you can’t attend the event (or can and want to comment during it!)
you can by tweeting #uobseminar

Jane Ollis

Jane Ollis

Jane Ollis Bio:

Jane Ollis is MD of RIFT Accounting. Her vision, built from first-hand experience of what it takes to start up and run a successful businesses, is that you need more than bean-counting to realise a dream. Partnered with Clear Books – the perfect robot butler of cloud software – Jane’s crack team makes smart use of information, spotting signs of danger and opportunity, to keep clients safe on their adventures. Prior to leading RIFT Accounting, Jane was CEO of BSK-CIC, helping many ambitious people grow their business. An adventurer herself, Jane is an environmental scientist and biochemist by training with a particular interest in how science and technology can shape tomorrow’s world. An alumni of Sydney’s social leadership programme, she worked as intern for NASA, is a business fellow of Oxford University and an Ambassador for Kent. Vitally, she cares about your business and wants, more than anything, to help you succeed.

Originally posted by Hastings Campus on 18th November

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Vivienne Vine • November 28, 2014

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