blog page 27

Going on from my last development of my exhibition I have made some big changes. I had been struggling with what experience I wanted to create that would also communicate my brand as a whole. I started by thinking about the topics I have been researching so far throughout my project such as our disconnection with nature but as I started developing that further, I was not too pleased with the outcome. Going on from this I also think that my project can be intense and has a lot going on at once, so I did not want to follow this into my space. Instead, I have been thinking of ways to make a relaxing area that can be an area for conversations or even a space for the people involved to look through my finished outcomes in some way. I am hoping this space will provoke conversation around my subjects and inspire people to start their own creations in a sustainable way. To begin my research around this idea I have been looking at a space created by Charles Renfro. I have been really enjoying watching interviews and writing by him and his team around their work and thoughts around architecture. Renfro and his team are on a mission to create workspace with the well being of the workers at best interest. The team have been creating peaceful spaces through research in psychology to understand the best environment for the future of workers. I found it really interesting hearing Renfro’s thoughts on furniture and how he placed soft materials to invite the workers to rest and have conversations while on breaks. Whereas in the office spaces he uses more firm chairs and other items to create a space where I worker can be more focused. Renfro always has his client’s mindset in mind when creating his spaces he said in an interview “it’s about bringing lots of strangers together and trying to understand ahead of time how they may or may not interact with one another”. I felt that this resonates with how I want to create my space and what atmosphere I want to create for everyone involved. My main thoughts right now is the environment my space will be in and the fact it will be busy and loud so creating a closed of area would be perfect when having conversation’s on a serious topic. To pursue with this research on Charles Renfro’s work as well as looking into further psychological research to ensure I’m creating a peaceful space as well as looking into colour and the emotions felt when seeing certain colours. To conclude, I am feeling much more inspired by these ideas and my research so far. I am hoping with continuous developments and experiments I will make an area I am happy to present.



choosing My final outcome images- 

I wanted to spend some time thinking of different ways I could present my images with the display I have chosen. I was not sure which images I wanted to use so decided to play around and see what looks best together.











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