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Today I have begun my research into my social media and how I want to present my projects educational aspects. When I first decided I wanted to add aspects of research and education to my platform I was unsure on how I wanted to present it through social media. I wanted to create something that would still be interactive and engaging towards my audience however I have been struggling to know how I wanted to start.

I do not want to create a video or fill a caption on my posts as I do not believe it would actually get any response or interaction. Social media can an amazing place for activism and movement, It brings people together creates community and educated people on stories or on political movements they would not have known about beforehand. apps such as tiktok have shown the variability of how powerful these apps can be. Take the black lives matter movement for example: the stories were able to be spread on a mass creating a movement of people who wanted to make a difference. Through these apps protests were created by people simply stating a date and time and people showed up to show support. However,  For a lot of people social media is where they come to have a break from reality. Having a video that is intensely showing what is wrong with the fashion industry or a caption throwing every big fact at my consumers might do the opposite of what I am hoping. My consumers can simply swipe away or become uninterested in my content if it becomes too serious. To work around this I instead want to create videos and photos that directly ask a question about a subject that may link to my article writing. I can then use the platforms comment section to discuss and get insight into my audiences thoughts and feelings around the subject. From there I can use the caption and comment section to link my website where I have a well researched article around the topic. I wanted to do something like this as activism can sometimes be taken the wrong way. For example the just stop oil movement has been labeled extremely negatively by the press; being named an inconvenience and distribution to working class people who do not have power to do anything. To summarize, I want to ensure I am creating content that is still engaging whilst keeping my audience questioning how they can make change. I have found research in my sketchbook of small movements that are taking place on social media to create community of small change. Such as the de-influencing movement which is a small change in peoples lives but has created a big difference in how people are shopping.





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