Demonstrate thorough understanding of the range of print, online and other platforms within high end contemporary editorial, and an understanding of advertorial.
I wanted to do some research into advertorial. “An advertorial is the name for an advertisement that’s written or produced in the form of editorial content. Generally, advertorials give author’s credit to the advertiser and indicate that the post is paid for or sponsored”. HubSpot states that “A good advertorial doesn’t clearly state that an advertiser made the post in the copy, but it also doesn’t hide that fact. An advertorial should provide the same high-quality content as a blog post or video but give a spotlight to the product being advertised”. To achieve something like this I think we could have our magazines in places such as where we have shot our photography. We have had some discussions of having a photoshoot at Stammer House. I think this would be a great opportunity if we gave them some of our magazines once they’re printed.
“Gain user-generated content from your audience. User-generated content is a fantastic content idea that gives a voice to satisfied customers to market your product from their point of view”.
Blog – YouTube vid HubSpot
Affiliate marketing – affiliate marketing is a method where a company uses a popular influencer as a way to promote their product.
Native advertising- to almost hide the fact they are advertising a product.
I found this video really helpful in understanding affiliate marketing and how it can promote our magazines and social medias.
Interview –
If your advertorial is a filmed interview with an industry thought leader, and your customers respond really well to video. You can post the advertorial on your social media accounts and boost the fact that you partnered with a publication to bring a new video to your audience.