Today I started planning ideas for a video as we have to create 10 minutes of content. I wanted to start planning ideas so I could start organising the types of shots I want to try during this task. I was finding it difficult to come up with an idea as we discussed having interviews with people about issues, we are facing such as covid, the money crisis and any other big issues facing the working-class people of Britain. I found this a difficult task as our magazine concept is to relax our readers so talking about these topics could be defeating that. I made a mind map to try get some ideas from the important aspects that need to be included in the video. To keep the calming aspect, I decided making the video as comforting as possible would be the best direction. I came up with the idea of creating a series in which we would interview different people with a video over the top with clips of different views. I am planning on editing the video in a Wes Anderson aesthetic, I felt this would give a comforting feel as well as giving me more opportunity to experiment with different aspects such as typography and camera shots.


I am so excited to do this project and be able to work closely with other members of my group. I feel that me and Steph would be able to make some really cool fonts and typography for the video and I think me and Jason could be able to experiment with different kind of video shots in the style of Wes Anderson. I also feel this will give Angharad so freedom with styling as I know she’s been struggling to get her ideas across.



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