In today’s lecture we were doing an analysis of another image from Anna Piaggi. Here I have added some of my own notes that I found while analysing the image. We were asked to recognise the colours, shapes, the most eye- catching elements, and so on. After we analysed the image, we were asked to add the most significant aspects to padlet where we then discussed our thoughts as a group.
- Older woman- but the image is still vibrant/bold/colourful
- Punk rock- the hair, eyebrows and makeup seem to be a punk rock aesthetic
- Colours- the colours are confrontational, they almost clash – the colours are bold and eye catching.
- Her earing placement is almost advertising the jewellery- the earing is also replicating Piaggi’s pose in the image.
- The image has a balance of femineity and masculinity
- A big feminine construct is having long hair- Piaggi is modelling with a hairstyle that would be seen as appropriate for a woman.
- The image is showing Piaggi’s power and confidence in multiple ways – for an older woman it would be seen as un – feminine to look this way but Piaggi shows her age and gender won’t stop her from experimenting with new looks.