Final reflection on FMP

Over all this uni year has been nothing like I ever expected, like most of the pandemic. We have all proven to be more resilient  than we probably knew we could be. I find it bitter sweet looking back on maybe what could have been for my final year at uni as inspiration and motivation was low at a time when I thought I was going to have the chance to produce work I felt really proud of. However, I am proud to have made It through in these circumstances.

My fmp was a correlation of how I have felt over the last few years. Luckily I am now in a secure place where I can start to think about helping others and that’s why I wanted to focus on this for my final piece. I have learnt the biggest lesson that mental health is not linear and healing is a long process but having support and guidance is what will get you through. this was replicated through out university personally and through my work in fmp. Speaking to others and putting out a platform that others can learn from on another and maybe help encourage people to speak out and get help or just feel comfort in knowing others are feeling the same.

Visually I feel I have made improvement with being able to convey my brand identity across platforms. Colour has always been something I enjoy working with so using the strong green theme has worked well to keep things concise. The articles could almost feel as they are blogs or small artistic snippets into someones lives journeys and values which I have enjoyed piecing together with the illustrative elements. Although I wish I could have felt inspired earlier in the year I am pleased with what I have produced and hope it shows my style personality and values on the course.

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