
I wanted to work with polaroids to give a more grainy unedited feel to the photos of the women i was speaking too.  I had considered not using faces at all to contrast how we often use our faces to gain likes on social media however i decided after researching and deciding visually how i wanted to present the interviews, polaroids were a good alternative. I used the 3 women i am speaking too and i had six attempts for each model.  I used my phone to check the angles and positioning of the models but generally they were exciting to see them come out as there had been little planning. I liked this element of the shoot as i don’t want anyone to to be too edited whether its faces or words. Polaroids can be a way of capturing a moment and enjoying it for what it is without putting too much pressure on the outcome.

I made sure we used the the different mirrors in the house as i wanted part of the shoot to be based on reflection. As we have been in the home for such a long time it became where we have done potentially the most reflection we have ever had to do . Reflecting and becoming aware of ourselves is the first part of accepting ourselves so this will be shown in the interviews running alongside the photography.I styled the clothes as bright as possible to give the best chance of them standing out on the camera as lighting was tricky.

Over all i was pleased with most of the outcomes considering the small space i was using and the premise of the shoot was to have further imagery along side the message of the interviews to make it more personable and connect the viewer to the interviews. Financially Polaroids are not always feasible so in hindsight I wish I could have done more or adapted shoots further on photo shop but I like these as the authentic images. I would also have liked to have been able  take portraits of other people I have spoken to through out my project but due to covid and the way my project developed I couldn’t.



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