Film stills – Relationship to body


Through shooting this film i have started to create an aesthetic i will want for my website and further the meaning behind it .When i planned the shoot i wanted to focus on shapes and colour using the body as a canvas for photography and not using full body shots so the viewer could interpret certain images in a more  neutral way than how the body may usually be seen. The feedback i had was that it seemed as if i was analysing the body which i felt represented an interesting angle on my project. A few people who watched couldn’t always tell what body part there was on the screen. As i reflected the imagery on a full screen the small movements of breath made me want to push this further, as it almost made me focus on my breath which is a part of wellness and meditation. This instantly made me join the comparison to analysing the mind which is part of what my previous still life photography represented.I had been using the split screen for a visual aspect from what i had been researching how ever this then took on a new creative meaning as i now want to represent the body and the mind.

In general this shoot was difficult due to space and lighting in my living room but as i was using close up images and cropping them once they were brightened slightly i was ok with the outcome as a starting point of inspiration. I did not edit any ‘imperfections’ and was cautious of tampering with skin colours due to lighting enhancement. Although i knew my models felt a bit insecure about certain things,  that was what was making the imagery interesting to me, the creases, stretch marks, scars gave the film more depth and emphasised my main point of self acceptance which is of course an ongoing journey These things that made each body individual helped me create a more authentic body of work. I would hope to shoot a more diverse range of models if i have the opportunity too but i am unsure at this point whether it will be possible due to the pandemic. Luckily we are close friends and i think that helped them feel more comfortable however, by the end of shoot one said it almost felt calming to come to terms with being exposed. I hope to show bodys in a more functional and humanising way and i want to learn about people’s relationship to their bodys in comparison to their mind.



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