Art direction for website


I never thought i would be making a website for my fmp but it has been a fun way of experimenting with art direction and how i want to present the brand. I can often visualise how I want something to be created but I struggle to show this in sketch books and use the software that is needed. The technicalities of the website were slow to get my head around but once i figured out the basics i could spend more time creating the mood and design i wanted. This has felt like a good middle ground to display my branding and vision for what I think my audience would be drawn too. The colour theme is tea green black and white, and i have started using framing and similar graphics for the site to keep continuity through out. I am working a lot with white space to keep the content looking clean. My photography is in various places on the site but particularly in the first three self care interviews as this was the work i was able to create during lock down with my housemates.In my sketch book I have made good boards of my imagery so I can asses how the images work together which was helpful. However seeing them with the words in the article layouts I have worked on was easier to make the final decisions. Pulling all my work together from over the last few months has been helpful to progress my platform and think about how i can create my app and design the site.

I spent some time choosing the image for the cover of the website. i started of looking at images I had created which all had meanings surrounding the concept how ever, they didn’t fit the mood I had in mind. I knew I wanted to incorporate the short film I made some how into my final piece. I shortened the footage and contrasted the bodies to then experiment with it on the site. Although the focus is primarily on the mind there is a big focus on the body as as this can usually tell you so much about the way you are feeling. its about finding the balance and being in tune with your self so you feel content and accepting of yourself whilst having the best chance of looking after yourself and feeling healthy. Once this was on the site with the all visual and written content I felt it was the best choice. I had feed back previously that It made someone feel calm and relatable which is exactly what I want my brand to embody. A video can also be more captivating and allow the user to want to look more into the site. I edited it with water sounds overlayed to enhance the relaxing feel to the body movements and create a peaceful sound on the front page of the website but I could not add this in the end. It was still positive to create and compare the sound scapes with the bodies to see how I could incorporate it in the future.

I want to keep the identity strong on both platforms and i have been working with my first year to help me create some illustrative designs for the app and various areas of the website. If i decide to launch an instagram this will also be used there. I have also been thinking about pulling together a  guide so this may be used for the design of that but i want all the elements to stand well together in for my final outcome.



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