Study team

In this section, you will find photos and a short bio for each member of the study team. We hope you enjoy getting to know our team!

Prof Nigel Sherriff

Chief investigator

Nigel Sherriff is professor of public health and health promotion in the School of Sport and Health Sciences at the University of Brighton. He is the Chief Investigator for this WHO study, and leads the UK team of researchers. This means he has oversight of, and responsibility for, the UK arm of the study. In his spare time he tries to play the guitar (although admittedly he does not do this very well), and enjoys time with his family particularly walking on the Ashdown Forest. See full profile and contact details: Nigel Sherriff — The University of Brighton


Dr Alexandra Sawyer

Principal investigator

Alex is a senior researcher in the School of Sport and Health Sciences, University of Brighton. She has a background in Health Psychology and is particularly interested in maternal and child health (including maternal mental health, experiences of maternity/neonatal services). Alex is the lead researcher for the UK part of this WHO study. She will also contribute to data collection (interviews), data analysis, and report writing. Alex enjoys living by the sea and growing fruit and veg in her allotment. See full profile and contact details: Alex Sawyer – University of Brighton


Prof Jorg Huber


Jörg Huber is Professor of Health Sciences at University of Brighton (UK). He is also Director of the Research Design Service South East in England which is part of the National Institute of Health Research infrastructure. He has a strong interest in long-term conditions and more recently worked on a European Survey on the role of community health workers supporting men having sex with men (MSM).


Prof Jaime Vera


Jaime Vera is a professor in HIV Medicine at Brighton and Sussex Medical School and a Consultant in HIV and Sexual Health for University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. He is a co-investigator for this project responsible for the recruitment of participants at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton and other clinical centres. See full profile and Contact details here. Jaime Vera-BSMS


Dr Debbie Williams


Dr Williams is a Consultant Physician, and Clinical Lead for HIV and Sexual Services for University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust.


Dr Catherine Aicken


Catherine is a senior researcher at the University of Brighton, with over a decade’s experience in sexual and reproductive health research. She’s doing interviews for the UK part of this WHO study and will contribute to analysis and write up. Catherine’s previous research combines a public health perspective with patient/client perspectives: valuing the views and experiences of people receiving healthcare, alongside what’s best for the whole population. Catherine has lived in various countries and travelled in Africa, Europe and Asia. Now that she’s put down roots on the south coast, she loves having friends to visit.

Dr Natalie Edelman


Natalie is a Principal Research Fellow in Applied Sexual and Reproductive Health in the School of Sport & Health Sciences. Her background is epidemiological and qualitative methods for complex interventions in sexual and reproductive health. Natalie supported the team at the project start up by arranging external specialist training around emotionally challenging research, as well as exploring potential cohort development although this aspect has not been able to progress.


Eleanor Tanner


Eleanor is a third-year paramedic science student at the University of Brighton. She has a keen interest in research and wishes to progress into the health sciences research field through post-graduate study. Eleanor has helped to format and set up the blog which makes information easily accessible for all participants. She has also done some preliminary analysis of the UK qualitative data and contributed to conference and dissemination activities.