Brighton UCU Members’ Meeting, 16 February 2022
1: Creation of GTAs
Brighton UCU notes
- The University’s proposal to turn PGRs who teach into GTAs at Grade 6.
- The lowest grade for lecturing at UoB is Grade 7.
- Teaching offered to PGRs is teaching that otherwise would be done by someone on Grades 7-9.
- GTAs are not ‘assistants’ since they are not assisting anyone else in the classroom.
- The University’s refusal to negotiate and come to an agreement with UCU over its employment of PGRs.
Brighton UCU believes
- There is no justification for employing PGRs on Grade 6.
- The proposal contains insufficient detail and inadequate protections for staff.
- The refusal to negotiate is a breach of the 2017 dispute settlement agreement and undermines collective bargaining at UoB.
Brighton UCU resolves
- To publicise the University’s attack on its staff and the union.
- To boycott the sham consultation and invoke the Disputes Procedure if the University continues to refuse to negotiate.
- To escalate the dispute subsequently as necessary.
MOTION CARRIED with 2 abstentions
2: Pay docking for ASOS
Brighton UCU notes
- The threat of up to 100% pay-docking by a number of universities for refusing to reschedule classes lost on strike days.
- UoB’s statement that it reserves the right to dock pay for ‘partial performance’.
Brighton UCU believes
- 100% pay docking represents a lock-out by the employers and a threat to the right to strike.
- This is a coordinated attempt to deter strike action and break the union.
Brighton UCU resolves
- To offer our full solidarity to all UCU branches which face pay-docking.
- To maintain ASOS in the face of threats of pay-docking.
- To organise such financial support as is necessary to support members who face punitive deductions.
- To seek authorisation from UCU officers to escalate strike action in the event of pay-docking against any members.
- To press UCU to call concerted national action in the remainder of this term to win the dispute and make rescheduling unfeasible.
MOTION CARRIED with 2 abstentions
3: UN Anti-Racism Day
This branch notes
We face a growing racist offensive, with Boris Johnson’s government deploying the politics of divide and rule to scapegoat refugees, migrants and the Muslim community. The Nationality & Borders bill attacks basic citizenship rights, and the government’s CRED report denies the existence of the institutional racism. Islamophobia and antisemitism are on the rise and the Far Right are a growing threat across Europe.
This branch believes
Our trade unions are critical in organising the mass anti racist movement we need to challenge every instance of racism, Islamophobia and antisemitism, and opposing the threat posed by divisive racist in our communities and workplaces, the far right, and fascism
This branch resolves
- To reaffirm our affiliation to Stand Up To Racism
- To support the Stand Up To Racism – TUC backed March Against Racism for UN Anti Racism Day on Saturday 19th March in London.
- To support local events with Brighton and Hove SUTR to build the demonstration and make a donation of £100 to Brighton and Hove SUTR help pay for publicity and subsidise train tickets to London for low paid workers and students to help them attend the march.
- To pay train travel for up to five delegates from our branch who wish to attend the demonstration to ensure our banner and our union is represented on the demonstration.
MOTION CARRIED with 1 against and 1 abstention
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