Brighton UCU members will begin their second wave of strike action against compulsory redundancies on Monday 8th February. The action has been called in opposition to compulsory redundancies among staff in the university’s IT service, and follows the hugely successful first wave of strikes in December.

Brighton UCU ask you to support and join the online rally on the first day of strike action, which aims to bring together students and staff in many other institutions, to collectively fight to defend our universities and colleges.

Speakers include:

John McDonnell MP (MP for Hayes and Harlington; former Shadow Chancellor)

Lloyd Russel-Moyle (MP for Brighton Kemptown)

Bell Ribeiro-Addy (MP for Streatham)

Vicky Blake (UCU President)

Speakers from UCU branches:

  • Goldsmiths,
  • Liverpool,
  • Liverpool John Moores,
  • Leeds,
  • University of East London,
  • Dundee,
  • Chichester College,
  • Solent
  • and more

More speakers to be announced

Register here:

After you have registered, you will receive a zoom link to the event.

Please share widely with colleagues and on social media.

Let’s show our employers that we are united!


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