Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

My Brighton desktop screenshot

My Brighton timetable and calendar issues now resolved

If you’re still experiencing issues with your timetable where you still see previous course events then simply close your mobile app or browser for where you normally use My Brighton.

Question amrk lightbox

Starting uni – our most asked questions answered!

Here’s a number of frequently asked questions we’ve received via our Student Ambassadors that we hope will help others. We’ll keep growing this list and maybe in the comments you can suggest your own. Here we go!

My Brighton app coming soon

New and improved My Brighton app coming soon

We’re really excited to announce that our new and improved version of My Brighton will be launching early October. Watch this space for when it goes live.

Screenshot of My Brighton on an app store

Your semester 1 timetable is now ready to view

We are pleased to let you know that your semester 1 timetable is now ready to view. We will send a further communication when your semester 2 timetable is available.

Belong at Brighton - get ready

Timetables and teaching delivery – 2021/22 academic year

In advance of receiving your personalised timetables, we wanted to let you have more information about what you can expect in your first semester at the University.

Belong at Brighton: University of Brighton

2021-22 Return to campus: Looking ahead to Autumn

A message from Professor Ruth Whittaker, Pro-Vice-Chancellor emailed 8 June 2021 to all students.

Screenshot of My Brightonhome screen on a desktop

Introducing our new My Brighton app for student life

My Brighton is our new student portal. It brings together your email, calendar and timetable, study modules and lots more – all in one place.

Students in class

Access your timetable

2020/21 update: Acesss your timetable via the My Brighton app. See our blog post ‘Introducing our new My Brighton app for student life’