Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Giving Day Quote from Jade Adebiyi

Student Funding Opportunities: Apply now!

The Student Potential Fund is our spark that ignites futures and empowers students to achieve their goals. Deadlines to make the most of these funding opportunities are coming up in May, so check out the awards on offer and get your application in now!

Student Potential Fund yellow

Giving Day 2022: “The funding has helped me make the most of university”

Whatever journey you are on, our community is here to help you stay curious and put what you’re learning into practise. There is still time to get involved with our Giving Day activities, raising awareness of the positive impact that donations to the Student Potential Fund have on the lives of our students.

Student Potential Fund blue banner

Giving Day 2022: “Knowing that people out there support current students is really encouraging.”

Today is our second ever Giving Day, fundraising for the Student Potential Fund. Hear from students who have benefited from the Fund about the impact it has had on their personal and academic lives.

Giving Day Quote from Jade Adebiyi

Student Funding Opportunities: Get ready for Giving Day 2022

On 5 and 6 April 2022, the University of Brighton is holding our second ever Giving Day. Hear inspiring stories from our students on the positive impact the Student Potential Fund has had for them.