If you have an essential requirement to use the university’s parking facilities, please be aware of the following changes which come into effect from Friday 1 October, 2021.
In advance of receiving your personalised timetables, we wanted to let you have more information about what you can expect in your first semester at the University.
Work is being undertaken week commencing 26 July to add Unicard locks to cycle cages across the campuses, making it easier for you to access and use the cages.
Staff and students who self-identify as belonging to a community currently designated by the term Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic are invited to complete this survey by 23 July.
This year was the biggest ever City Nature Challenge – a global effort encouraging people to discover and record local wildlife in and surrounding urban areas.
The University has now received confirmation from the Government that all students who have not yet been able to return to campuses may do so from Monday 17 May.