Race terminology survey
Staff and students who self-identify as belonging to a community currently designated by the term Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic are invited to complete this survey by 23 July.
As part of our ongoing commitment to anti-racism, we are examining the language and terminology we use.
The term BAME (Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic) has been a common feature of conversations on race and ethnicity in public and institutional life in the UK over recent years: from politics to media, and from education to sport. However, the appropriateness and value of the term BAME has been called into question. Critiques variously note that the term: homogenises diverse groups of people and their identities and experiences; excludes as much as it includes; is dehumanising through reduction to an acronym or label; and has been co-opted by white elites for the purposes of “diversity management”.
The University of Brighton is keen to be part of this conversation. We recognise the contested nature of the term BAME and wish to hear from colleagues and students about their ideas for a better and more inclusive approach.
The survey consists of five questions and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and the deadline for completion is Friday 23 July.
Take the Race Terminology Survey now
I have been leading the university-wide working group on race terminology, so if you have any queries in relation to this survey, please do contact me by email on Tara.Dean@brighton.ac.uk.
Professor Tara Dean, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise)