We are pleased to announce that the new and improved version of My Brighton will be released 13 February with a completely new look and added features.
A number of days of strike action are being planned to take place at the University of Brighton through February and March 2023 as part of a national campaign by the University and College Union (UCU).
The National Student Survey opens today for all final year students. This is your chance to let us know what you’ve enjoyed about being a student here, and to give us feedback so we can continue to improve our courses for the future.
We want to ensure that you know about the various ways that the University will support you to achieve your full potential. We know that unforeseen circumstances can have a serious impact on your study, outcomes and wellbeing.
Are you currently studying an undergraduate course and due to graduate in 2025? Are you interested in some extra funding and development opportunities?
Due to the rising costs of energy the University will be closing some of it buildings earlier in the build-up to the Christmas holidays as a way to significantly reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.
As part of this year’s UK Disability History Month (UKDHM), which takes place from Wednesday 16 November to Friday 16 December 2022 with a theme of Disability, Health and Wellbeing, the University has organised a series of online events for staff and students.