Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Walk My Dog

Come to our Walk My Dog events!

Do you want to make new friends, have fun playing with some friendly dogs, and be supported in a safe space to talk about mental health?

Take a break from your studies and come along to one of our Walk My Dog events, run by your Wellbeing Champion student ambassadors. Just bring yourself, we will bring the dogs, and if you would like, you can take the lead on a countryside walk just minutes from your campus.

Wellbeing Champions is a three tier programme for students who want to learn how to enhance wellbeing for themselves, their friends, and in the community. We currently have a team of 8 Wellbeing Champion student ambassadors, who have completed all three tiers of the programme. Throughout the year, they use their skills, knowledge, and experience to support you through a range of events, just like this!


30th March 1 – 2pm. Meet outside Checkland


6th April 1 – 2pm. Meet outside Manor House

dogeventmental healthwellbeingwellbeing champions

Alice Maguire • 25 March 2022

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  1. Oliver Venturi 13 May 2022 - 1.33pm Reply

    Hi there!

    I was wondering when, or if, this event be on again? My whole flat and I wanted to come today (13th May), but some of us weren’t able to, and some of us got to the location late to find no one there.

    We’d all really love to walk some doggos, if you could get back to this reply as soon as possible that would be great!


    • Robin Coleman 13 May 2022 - 1.38pm Reply

      Hi Olly, there won’t be any more this academic year but we try and do something connected to mental wellbeing at least twice a year in multiple locations. Keep an eye here on the blog or probably best joining our campus groups on Facebook (Falmer’s here: Feel free to comment on the post reporting on today’s activity. Our staff will really appeciate your feedback. Thanks

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