Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Students: majority wearing masks on campus

Response to Government announcement for COVID-19

Stephen Dudderidge, Registrar and SecretaryA message from Stephen Dudderidge, Registrar and Secretary emailed 10 December 2021 to all students.

You will doubtless have seen the Government’s “Plan B” announcement on 8 December in response to the emergence of the Omicron variant of Covid-19.

We have subsequently received further guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) on how this applies in educational settings.

Continuing in-person teaching and learning

The DfE guidance is very clear that all in-person teaching and learning, and research should continue as planned. Our teaching timetable will therefore remain unchanged. Our libraries, hospitality, sports provision, print services counters, and Students’ Union shops will also remain open. Student facing services will provide in-person support where responding to student need. However, where suitable, students will also be able to contact these services remotely and also choose to hold an appointment via MS Teams.

Face coverings are mandatory in al spaces across campus

Further measures around face coverings

As ever, the health and wellbeing of our students and colleagues is our priority. After careful consideration the University has taken the decision to introduce additional measures. The wearing of face coverings will be mandatory for students, colleagues and visitors in the following settings:

  • All in-person educational settings – teaching rooms, laboratories, workshops, studios etc.
  • In transit in all buildings including the use of lifts.
  • In hospitality settings such as cafes, except when seated.
  • In sports facilities except when undertaking activity.
  • In libraries and computer pool rooms, both when moving in these spaces and when seated.
  • In Students’ Union shops.
  • In face-to-face wellbeing appointments
  • On the UoB bus (in addition to all public transport)

Further signage will be in place to emphasise these changes. Spare disposable face coverings will also be available at the reception desk of main buildings or on request from University site managers, as well as red wristbands for students which allow the wearer to indicate they wish to remain socially distant.

Playing your part

In addition to the above, please continue to play your part through good practice and regular asymptomatic testing.

  • Wash or sanitise your hands frequently and cover your nose and mouth when you cough and sneeze.
  • If you haven’t already been vaccinated, please do consider getting a vaccination. If you think that you may be eligible for a booster you can read full details and book your appointment.
  • Continue to play your part through regular asymptomatic testing. Arrange to have a test kit delivered to your home address, or pick up a kit from Eastbourne Hillbrow Sports Centre, Falmer Sports Centre, Cockcroft and Grand Parade Caretakers’ desks and from libraries. And don’t forget to report your results online selecting the reference ‘University of Brighton’ from the list of education providers.
  • Take a PCR test if experiencing symptoms of Covid. Remember that there is a mobile PCR test centre at Moulsecoomb until Thursday 23 December. To attend, please book a test slot.
  • Please respect those staff and students wearing red wristbands and lanyards that indicates that they wish to remain socially distant.

International students

I realise that international students may have specific concerns or questions. Please refer to our FAQs which are being updated regularly to reflect the current situation at the time.

Thank you

The above measures apply from Monday 13 December, and will be reviewed in the new year based on the guidance and situation at the time. Please remember to follow guidance on testing when travelling home at the end of term and returning next year.

As we approach the end of another year, I want to recognise that it has once again been a challenging 12 months, and to express my thanks for your patience, support, and exemplary behaviour throughout.

Thank you all, and best wishes for 2022.


Robin Coleman • 14 December 2021

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