Student News and Events

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Further return to campus and changing Covid-19 restrictions

Stephen Dudderidge, Registrar and SecretaryA message from Stephen Dudderidge, Registrar and Secretary emailed 12 May 2021 to all students.

The University has now received confirmation from the Government that all students who have not yet been able to return to campuses may do so from Monday 17 May. Read the Minister for Higher Education’s letter to students here.

The scheduled return coincides with step three on the Government’s roadmap for exiting lockdown in England.

We are of course acutely aware that the past year has been extremely challenging for all our students, but particularly so if you have not yet been able to return to campus because of Government restrictions.

For all of our students, whether you are returning to campus next week, or have already returned, the arrangements for the delivery of your course for the rest of this term are reflected in your timetable. Please check your timetable to confirm arrangements.

Some courses will be offering non-compulsory on-campus enrichment and revision activities and where this is the case you will shortly be hearing more about these from your school.

All students will be able to access all of the University’s facilities, however, our current Covid-secure measures will remain in place and you will need, for example, to continue to book study spaces. We would also ask that you continue to follow the wider Covid-secure measures implemented by the University, such as the wearing of face coverings, social distancing, frequent hand washing and following any one-way systems.

If you are returning to University, please test before travelling back – either through your local community testing programme or by ordering a home test online via the Universal Rapid Testing Offer. On arrival, wherever possible, you should undertake three supervised tests (3-4 days apart) at one of the University’s campus-based test centres. You can book testing here and we’ll soon be offering ‘click and collect’ home testing kits as well. Thereafter, we encourage all students to take two tests a week.

Please do note that, as of 17 May, Covid-19 restrictions are changing in line with the Government’s Covid-19 roadmap. You can read the full list of changes here.

We very much look forward to welcoming our remaining students back to campus.


Robin Coleman • 14 May 2021

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