Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

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1-5 March is Be More Skilled Week

Employers are asking for transferable skills, and recruiters always want to know about more than just your qualifications. How will you tell them what they want to hear?  

Be ready, be more skilled. This week is here to help you to identify, develop and communicate your skills to employers.

Visit the Be More Skilled page for further details.

Book your place now for the following sessions

Adapting your plans during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pamela Coppola
(Career Development Adviser)
Tuesday 2 March 10-10:20am

Postgraduate Virtual Open Day Event
University of Brighton
Tuesday 2 March 2021 11am–1pm

Using creative problem solving
Clare Griffiths
(Business Development Manager)
Tuesday 2 March 12:30-2pm

Careers and Resilience in 2021
Sophie Odgers-Roe 
(Faculty Placement Coordinator)
Wednesday 3 March 12-1:30pm

Getting the most from your skills: Looking at how to identify and showcase skills to employers
Steve Sutcliffe
(Career Development Adviser)
Wednesday 3 March 3-3:30pm

A CV for 2021: What’s different this year?
Christina Keiller
(Career Development Adviser)
Thursday 4 March 10–10:30am

Entering Technology from a Non-Tech Background.
Regardless of your degree background, there’s something out there for you, it’s up to you to make that step, and together we’ll look into how.
FDM: A global leader in the recruit, train, deploy sector
Friday 5 March 11am-12pm

Book a one-to-one skills appointment with a Career Development Adviser

Career Development Advisers are available to support you and identify the skills you have and what you’ll need to secure a graduate job.

Our service is available throughout your university degree and after you graduate. Please email or call 01273 642855 and request a ‘skills appointment’.

careerscareers adviceemployabilityeventslearningself-developmentskills

Glen Marsh • 25 February 2021

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