Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Image of a path through a wood or forest at sunrise or sunset

Project to explore faith and spirituality during COVID 19

The University’s Faith and Spirituality team are looking for students to take part in an exciting new project. CV19: Journeying with Faith is an exploration of how lockdown and COVID 19 has shaped students’ experiences of their faith. In particular the team are interested in:

  • How students have managed through faith festivals and holy days while unable to gather in community.
  • Whether you have found faith a support or if it has been more difficult.
  • Where you have found spiritual nourishment.

Sue Harrington, one of the Faith Advisers, said

“these months have seen Muslims, Jews and Christians having to celebrate major events without being together. Ramadan and Eid, Passover, Easter and Pentecost have passed without being able to gather as faithful worshippers. We want to hear from students about what that has been like. We want to be with them on that journey.”

Contacts and further information

Find out more about the Faith and Spirituality team (who are part of the Wellbeing service) on the work they do, supporting students of all faiths.

Sarah Herbert • 26 June 2020

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