Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Inside One World Nursey

Supporting our students with parenting responsibilities

Lockdown has its ups and downs, with lots to juggle and different feelings to consider and manage. As parents and carers, you are likely to be faced with new challenges every day. We want to offer our students with parenting responsibilities as much online support as possible at this time.

Although we have reached the end of term, we understand that doesn’t necessarily mean things become easier or become less challenging. Our experienced One World Nursery Team has an abundance of skills and practical knowledge that may be able to help you remotely with tips and advice, especially while the nursery is closed.

One World Nursey can offer you

  • Friendly support for pre-school children, or adults with children
  • Advice and support surrounding behaviours; new, expressive and challenging
  • Advice and support on daily routine and transitions
  • Advice and information on school readiness and school admissions
  • Activity ideas and useful links
  • Links to relevant support for you and your child, for example professional diagnosis and behaviour interventions.

The advice is on a voluntary basis and free. This does not, of course, substitute for medical or psychological support, but we hope we can offer some parenting support to help when you need it most.

Watch Nursery Manager Becky explain more about the service

Get in touch

For a chat or to just ask a quick question, just email the One World Nursery on – We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Robin Coleman • 12 June 2020

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