Student News and Events

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Brighton Works - Careers advice and support

Help with jobs, applications and work placements

Are you worried about disruption to your job, career or work placement? Our Careers team have been hearing from some of our students who have had their placements cut short, or their job applications put on hold; some who have had part-time jobs suspended, and some who were just getting started on developing their own business and now have to put plans on hold.

Our Careers team advisers are here to help with any issues around jobs, placements, business and career options, offering support and advice.

Alternatively, you may have a little more free time on you hands and want to use this to plan for your future by reflecting on what you want to do with your life, or making sure you are ready to apply for opportunities when we emerge back into the world. You might also be thinking about developing new skills or building your network online. Maybe you’ve had a brilliant idea for a business or want to give back to your community by getting involved and volunteering your time.

The University of Brighton Careers Service is still very much in business, and here to help with immediate issues and future planning.

Careers staff are working remotely but they are still offering a comprehensive service which include:

  • looking for jobs, placements or volunteering opportunities
  • thinking about what you can do beyond your degree
  • preparing your CV or written application form
  • preparing for interviews and assessment centres
  • applying for postgraduate study
  • applying to have a mentor through the University’s mentoring programmes

And you can keep up with lots of advice and details of opportunities as they arise on the Careers blog. To get these direct into your inbox, follow the instructions to subscribe by email.

Contacting the Careers Team

You can also keep in touch via our University of Brighton Careers Service Facebook page
And our Twitter feed – @uniofbrightoncs or Instagram uob_careers

Robin Coleman • 18 April 2020

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