Student News and Events

News and events for University of Brighton students

Wellbeing in the sunshine

New wellbeing workshop: A Student’s Guide to Managing Worry and Anxiety

We can help you learn how to manage worry and anxiety.

We are pleased to confirm that we will be running a free workshop in partnership with the Brighton and Hove Wellbeing Service. The session will teach you more about anxiety and the ways that you can manage it, so you can make the most of your time as a student here.

Some feedback from our previous workshop:

 ‘Lovely presenters, engaging, made me feel better about coming forward’

 ‘Really clear and helpful. There can never be too many workshops like this.’


Book your place

Where: Room E513, Checkland Building, Falmer

When: 13 February 2018

Time: 5.00 – 6.30pm

You will need to book a place in advance.

free workshopsmental health awarenessstudent serviceswellbeingwellbeing workshops

Samantha Paget • 1 February 2018

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