Brighton Student bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

Aerial photograph of Brighton houses

What’s the difference between a Unihome and halls of residence?

Where you decide to live for your first year of university has quite an impact on your social life. For me, I chose to live in a Unihome (a house near the campus that is managed by the university) however I also spent a lot of time at halls hanging out with people that lived there….

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5 things I wish I had known before university

* If you don’t eat fruit and vegetables you will not feel or work your best   For the first couple months of uni I tried to eat as cheaply as I could, rice, bread and baked beans. This not only leaves you a little bit tired all the time but totally messes up your immune…

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Living in halls: a student’s survival guide

Starting university is exciting and nerve-wracking, especially for those moving away from home. When moving into halls, you may not know anyone, and you may be living independently for the first time. Either way, nerves are normal; everybody feels this way.   I decided to move from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to Brighton. I had only visited Brighton once…

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My lockdown experience

Lockdown struck towards the end of my placement year, so not only did my studies go remote but also my placement role, which is a full-time job. However, certain support and routines have really helped me to cope and continue doing well during this difficult period.   * Keeping to a routine – This has definitely…

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5 things I wish I had known before university

Everyone is in the same boat – put yourself out there, join societies (!!), talk to people around campus and on your course. I struggled in the first month because I felt I didn’t have any friends, but when I spoke with the friends I have now, they felt the same way!   Keep on top…

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Two students sat in a university halls bedroom talking and laughing

What was it like living in halls?

Starting university life in student halls The first year of my degree was spent in student halls, I was based at Falmer. Living in student halls has been one of the most challenging but gifting choices I made while at university. With the stress of starting a new course in a new city in a…

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