Brighton Student bloggers

Read student blogs about student life and the Brighton university experience

James smiling in the learning centre

Life as a graduate primary school teacher

How are you finding your graduate job? I am enjoying my new job as a Year 2 class teacher, it has been challenging but a great opportunity to develop as a practitioner. I have enjoyed applying much of the learning from my Primary Education degree and putting it into practice. It has also been a…

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James smiling in the learning centre

Transitioning from student to graduate

This blog post is about how I am transitioning from finishing my degree to getting a job. I will be sharing some of the ways that I was successful in securing a full-time teaching job, which I start in just over a months’ time! I cannot believe that I am coming to the end of…

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A group of student ambassadors

How I’ve earnt money at uni

Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well! Today’s blog post is all about how I have earnt money whilst studying at university. This has been particularly difficult with the pandemic, but I have still managed to earn money and I hope the things I discuss will give you some ideas! Firstly, I have been…

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Screenshot of society social online

My experience of lockdown life

Hello everyone, my name is James and I am a final year Primary Education student. Today I am writing a blog about what it is like to be a student in lockdown. I am particularly going to focus on the social aspect and how I have been able to cope during this tough time. Firstly,…

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James studying

Preparing my university application

I was the first in my family to go to university, so when I applied, I was nervous about creating a strong application. I was fortunate to have a supportive sixth form that talked me through the UCAS application process. A significant part of this process is writing a personal statement that you create based…

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James on his laptop

My day – studying with blended learning

Hello everyone, my name is James, and I am a third-year Primary Education student here at the University of Brighton. I have been super busy since September and thought I’d create this blog describing my typical day in Brighton. 9am – Run with my friend To keep fit, I try and run twice a week…

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5 things I wish I had known before university

That everyone is in the same boat and WANTS to make friends  I was nervous before going to university in September and spent quite a lot of time worrying that I would not make good friends. However, during freshers everybody is in the same boat and wants to make friends, so there really is not…

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My lockdown experience

Initially I was worried about studying and completing assignments at home during lockdown. This was because I did not have access to the library or face-to-face contact with lecturers in seminars. However, the university used a programme called Microsoft Teams to allow lecturers to complete online sessions. This took a little while to get used…

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