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Halls bedroom at Brighton

How to be a space-saving superstar when setting up your halls bedroom

  • Author: Bethany-Jo O’Neill

Moving into halls can be one of the most daunting parts of going to university. For some, it signals moving away from home for the first time. On the other hand, putting your own stamp on your halls bedroom is one of the most exciting parts of starting university. Here is a guide on how to save space and let your room live up to its full potential.

1. Unpack as soon as you can

This one may sound a little obvious, but unpacking everything as soon as possible is the best way to feel at home in your new room. I left it far too long to unpack my suitcase of clothes and because of this, I had to climb over it every time I came in and out of the room. As you can imagine this did not help me feel at ease in the room, and it also took up far too much floor space!

2. Use piggy-back hanger attachments in your wardrobe

With a smaller room often comes a smaller wardrobe. If you do not want to make sacrifices in the clothes department, a way around this is to get a pack of piggy-back hanger attachments. These are small hooks that you put on your hanger so you can hang another item from it. This hack doubles the capacity of your wardrobe. These attachments are available to buy on Amazon or, if you are looking to save money, the same effect can be achieved using the pull ring from a can of drink.

3. Have free standing shelving

Using free standing shelving allows you to make use of the space above your desk or bedside table. It prevents your possessions from becoming untidy by all being on one level. I found these shelves from IKEA to be really useful, and the two different sizes fit different spaces. For example, I put my alarm clock on top of the narrower shelf and was able to fit my jewellery dish and a small photo frame underneath it, whilst still having space to put my phone and a book in front of it while I slept.

4. If there is space under your bed, use it!

One of the most useful things I did before moving into halls was to check if there was space under the beds by looking at photos and videos online. Luckily, my room had this space so I bought some shallow plastic boxes that would fit under the bed. I filled these with spare towels, bedding, bulky clothes such as hoodies, and extra toiletries that I did not need straight away. This meant I had more space for other items in my drawers, wardrobe and on the side.

Above all else, have fun setting up your new room. It is an opportunity to be creative, independent and free- enjoy it!

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accommodationindependent livingliving at universityPreparing for universityTop tipsUniversity halls

Bethany-Jo O'Neill • 14th July 2022

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