Getting ready for university: what to pack
When I first went to uni, I was told that you shouldn’t return home for the first month so that you get used to your surroundings, make friends, and overcome your homesickness. Therefore, it was important to me that I had a home away from home. I took a lot of photos with me which I put in frames or hung around my room. I also took fairy lights, cushions, a lamp, a bed throw and my favourite DVDs so that I felt at home, even when I wasn’t!
I think you forget that you won’t just be living in your bedroom, you’ve also got to equip yourself to use the kitchen. Take a couple of sets of cutlery (be prepared that you may lose one or two spoons so maybe don’t spend a fortune on a brand new cutlery set!). If you’re taking pots and pans, remember that there may be limited space in the kitchen cupboards, so don’t go overboard with how many you take – I’d recommend one saucepan and one frying pan, unless there’s anything in particular you think you’ll be cooking (e.g. if you want to cook a lasagne, take a lasagne dish!).
The first semester you spend at university will mainly be autumn and winter months so remember to pack warm clothes like jumpers, slippers, a woolly hat, a scarf and a coat. Maybe even a blanket and a hot water bottle if you’ve got them.
Personally, I used my laptop more than I used a pad and pen to take notes, but I’d definitely recommend going stationary shopping just so you have all of the essentials (notepad, pens, highlighters) should you need them. Also, think about what you might be doing in your lectures/seminars/workshops – you may need a scientific calculator or a mathematics equipment set, depending on what you’re studying.
As well as your essential toiletries (shampoo, bodywash, toothpaste, hand soap), remember to take cleaning products in order to keep your environment sanitary; this also will help you at the end of the year as there will be less to clean if you’ve kept it tidy throughout the year. Again, you may want to take some cleaning products for the kitchen area as well, such as washing up liquid and bleach. Once you’ve moved into your accommodation, you may be able to split the cost of future purchases with your flatmates but it’s better to have your own to begin with, just so you know you’ve got some.
I hope you find this helpful – feel free to message me if you have any questions or want to know more about packing for university!