Student Advice Service – Money Matters

News from the Student Advice Service at the University of Brighton

BEWARE current telephone scam ghosting as NHS ‘Test and Trace’

Unfortunately scammers pretending to be NHS staff have developed a new ploy to target people telling them they may have been in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 We have all heard about the genuine Test and Trace scheme which has been rolled out across the UK (confusingly using slightly different names)…

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Student Advice COVID-19 banking update

There has been a lot of press coverage around government support for people in work, small businesses and Council Tax relief, but what are the banks doing to help relieve the pressure on our pockets and the wider economy? Here are some of the key changes being implemented: Interest  free overdrafts Lloyds, Halifax, HSBC and Bank of Scotland are giving…

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