STRAND member and Ask for Evidence supporter, Dr Claire Marriott, recently gave a talk to 10 new Science About Science Ask for Evidence Ambassadors at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. In her new blog post, Dr Marriott says that:
“We are constantly exposed to bold claims from marketing departments, in news stories and even within government policies. How many times do we just take these as truth? It’s easy to assume that if it’s there in black and white then surely there must be some research behind it.
The Ask for Evidence campaign believes you (yes you!) have not only the right, but also the power, to question claims that you come across. Whether that’s the evidence behind your local recycling policy, the face cream that claims to empower your skin to look younger, or an allergy test recommended by your pharmacist.
Sharing our experiences of the Ask for Evidence campaign, Chris Peters, from Sense About Science, and I gave the group a taste of what to expect as Ambassadors. Talking to groups about Ask for Evidence is certainly different to speaking at a research event and the questions from the audience can be a lot more diverse than you might expect! From politics to the role of regulatory authorities, to asking for evidence about whether this campaign actually works… an Ask for Evidence Ambassador needs to be ready to think on their feet!”
For more information about Sense About Science visit there website
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