News updates from the centre of research excellence

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STRAND seminar 31 March 2023 H407 16.00-17.00 hours

PhD student Grace Cooksley wins second prize in Nanoartography competition

NanoArtography is an international science image competition that combines nanoscience and art. Grace won a second prize for her image of ‘Mount MXene’.    Congratulations to Grace! The artwork was created by preparing a free-standing film of titanium carbide 2D… Continue Reading →

News from Nicolas Stewart

Our Centre member Dr Nicolas Stewart is happy to report that the CIHR grant entitled “A possible treatment to ameliorate autism spectrum disorders” by Prof HH Chen in Ottawa Ontario was successfully funded This is an MRC equivalent grant in… Continue Reading →

PhD student success !

Gheed Al-Hity has successfully defended her Thesis entitled ‘ Understanding the mechanism of how stress affects tumour progression and metastasis in breast cancer’ on time. Gheed will move to Kings College to do a Post doc starting on August 1st

PhD Recruitment Evening, 15th November

  PhD students from STRAND coordinated an evening of presentations followed by a Q&A and a social event designed to provide information about what it is like studying for a PhD at Brighton.  The evening was attended by 25 undergraduates… Continue Reading →

STRAND Seminar 10 December 16.15-17.15 hours Cockcroft 201

Become part of the STRAND PhD community 15th November 17.15-19.00 hours Huxley Foyer & H300

MPharm Student awarded Welcome Trust Vacation Scholarship

Congratulations to MPharm Year 3 student, Prijay Bakrania, who has been awarded a Vacation Scholarship entitled ‘Does the expression of Nrf2 change with age in humans?’ The project, under the supervision of STRAND member Dr Greg Scutt, examines Nrf2 an important… Continue Reading →

Discovering New Antibiotics

Just weeks after Prime Minister David Cameron called for a worldwide cut in the unnecessary use of antibiotics and rewards for drug companies which develop new medicines to fight drug-resistant superbugs, STRAND scientists have been studying soil bacteria which, they… Continue Reading →

Student work published in Autonomic Neuroscience

STRAND Researchers have published a recent paper in Autonomic Neuroscience, with some of  the work being done by BSc Pharamceutical Science students. The paper entitled “Acute paraquat exposure impairs colonic motility by selectively attenuating nitrergic signalling in the mouse” examined… Continue Reading →

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