A laptop with a computer game on the screen and a hand reaching for it

Graduates 2024: Hanna Harings-Mahendra: Product Design BSc(Hons)

Organising the course so that each student can be their individual selves makes the course well worth it.

Please tell us a bit about your work and your influences

My project is called Recover Quest, it’s a rehabilitation video game for injury recovery, focusing on the hand and wrist and uses real time hand tracking. The project is partially influenced by myself as I have a condition called erbs palsy which means limited rotation and range of motion in one arm. I rarely do my exercises and wanted to find out if others felt the same and that’s how this project started!

What made you choose your course?

I had some friends who were on the course in different years, really enjoyed the look of it and the content so wanted to go for it myself

Can you tell us about your favourite part of your studies and how it helped the development of you and your practice.

Favourite part of the studies is the fact that we can explore all our interests, so each persons projects are entirely tailored to each student. Being given the freedom to pursue our interests helps develop us into the designers we want to be. 

Can you tell us about any staff who particularly inspired you?

SSGT – Justine, she is the best. She is so uplifting and helps us with any kind of problem we might have. James Tooze – organising the course so that each student can be their individual selves makes the course well worth it.

Can you tell us about your placement?

I did a placement at BMI Group 2022-2023. It was by far the best thing as I gained a lot of experience working in both an office and a workshop. It helped me work smarter towards my deadlines and have kept in touch with some colleagues who have been very supportive and given advice throughout my final year. 

What does Brighton mean to you now?

I’ve been in Brighton for 7 years now and I still love it, it’s a place where anyone can go and feel completely comfortable in themselves and it’s an incredible place for creatives. There are so many opportunities here!

Can you tell us your plans after graduation?

No solid plans as of yet, mostly job searching and seeing how I might be able to make this project into a real thing to be used by physiotherapists and their patients.

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