The first meeting of the BSMS TEL group was convened on October 1st with the aim of bringing together various work streams across the undergraduate & postgraduate programmes, and to facilitate strategic planning, sharing resources and launching initiatives. The meeting was chaired by Professor Gordon Ferns with Jil Fairclough as deputy chair.

Reports of activities were shared across areas such as Anatomy Teaching, Mobile Medical Education (MoMed), Clinical & Professional Studies Online, SBME, e-portfolios, and the new online formulary (Smart Drug).

The group will meet quarterly.


Ammendment of module

Minor changes to the assessment profile of the course were made at the validation committee, with the result that for MDM 149 (Feedback and Debriefing) a portfolio of experience will have to completed detailing participant’s teaching, reflection and peer observation of any SBME in their teaching role. This will replace the original assessment format (essay & reflective piece).

For those who have already attended the module during 2015 further information will be sent to you individually.


ASPIH Conference 2015 Brighton Centre

The local organising group will be meeting with members of the executive committee later this week in Brighton to finalise some of the arrangements for the November conference. We will be contacting local experts in SBME to participate as facilitators for the abstract sessions. Contact Andy Collins if you are interested.


Conference News at Brighton & Sussex Medical School

Registration is now open for the Annual Health Conference, “Innovating Clinical Practice” at BSMS on Thursday 3rd December, 2015.

Key Note Speakers will be Professor Val Wass OBE, Emeritus Professor of Medical Education and Professor Elizabeth Hughes, Director of education and Health Education (London and South East).

For Further information please email

Conjoined Validation

The final part of the validation process for the PG Cert will be completed in September 2015, and from then onwards applicants should no longer use the single module forms, unless they intend to complete a single module for CPD purposes.


Feedback on the ‘Principles and Practice in Simulation’ module

“Dear Wesley and Martin,

I thought I would write to say an enormous thank you for a most enjoyable few days on the simulation module recently.  The group of candidates have been great together which must surely be regarded as a compliment to the faculty.

 I thought that the structure to the debrief module was excellent.   I found value in most if not all the components of the module.  Personally I think I have a greater understanding of the power of and the purpose of the debrief as a result of the opportunity to explore the different components of the debrief as laid out in the structure.  Particularly memorable components are exploring the understanding of aspects of feedback and the reflective practice”.

From one of the participants on the last module (with permission):


New Workshops for 2015

There will be a series of one day workshops available during this year which will cover the following topics for members of the NHS workforce:

  1. Feedback and Debriefing in Education (March 25th)
  2. Human Factors in Simulation Based Education
  3. Peer Observation of Teaching (POT) Training
  4. Team work using simulation

For all of these courses there will be a limited number of funded places. Dates for the workshops will be posted on this website.



Feedback & Debriefing Module MDM 149 (taught component)

The taught component of the F&D module was completed earlier this week with a good response and evaluation  from the particpants. Presentations for the Work Based Project will complete the module on March 12th.

The final stage in validation of the PG Cert will take place in March 2015.

Further modular dates for both simulation based modules will be posted on this site soon, and it is anticpated that late June will be the next oportunity to enrol on MDM 148 (Principles and Practice), and then again in November.

Places on modules in 2015

The Feedback and Debriefing module (MDM149) begins on January 19th in Mayfield House, University of Brighton, and commisioned places are still available.  Please use the single module application form as outlined in the applications for study section on this site, and email to Zoe Gallagher ( )