For forthcoming courses at the trust please use the following link
Author Archives: Wesley Scott-Smith
CPD workshop on using Simulated Patients in Healthcare
Due to the success of the last one day workshop about how to use SPs in teaching & assessment, we will running the same workshop in the Autumn (bursaries are available!)
Dates for all forthcoming workshops will be posted on this site; the next workshop is on Peer Observation of Teaching training running on June 16th (9-4pm). Places are still available!
Steering Group Meeting June 14th at 3.30pm
Hi Everyone!
Just a reminder that the hub steering group meets in Room 343 Mayfield House, Falmer, UOB on Tuesday June 14th at 3.30pm. NB. Parking is not restricted after 3pm!!
Andy will circulate the draft agenda later today.
One Day Workshops
The next workshop on May 17th (Simulated patients in healthcare) is now full, however because of its popularity we have booked another date on November 1st. Please contact Andy for details (all workshops are funded by HEKSS and are free).
On June 16th we are running a workshop on ‘Peer Observation of Teaching Training in Education’. Please book now.
Validation of PG Certificate
Good news!
The PG Cert has been jointly validated by Brighton & Sussex Universities. The application process will therefore change very soon for those wanting to embark upon the PG Cert from April 1st onwards. For those of you who have already attended the modules and are waiting to submit work for assessment, you will have to apply online after this date which then provides access to student central and various study skills available to PG students.
Each of you will be emailed soon to explain the process in full, but if in doubt contact Andy Collins.
Bursaries are available for both simulation based modules (but not for MDM28).
For applicants wishing to study on the modules for CPD purposes then please use the single module application form (see hyperlink under courses).
One Day Workshops for all healthcare practitioners (CPD)
For busy clinicians who want to attend the one day workshops involving simulation related activities, the dates are:
- Using Simulated Patients in Healthcare Education: Tuesday May 17th at the Falmer Campus (Room: Bevendean 103), University of Brighton.
- Peer Observation of Teaching Training: Thursday June 16th (Room TBC).
These events are funded through HEE (KSS) and are therefore free to applicants. Please contact Andy Collins for bookings ( ).
Commissioned places for one day workshops
We are pleased to announce that further commissioned places will be available for those wanting to update parts of their educational practice on our range of one day workshops for clinicians. HE (KSS) have agreed to fund 50 places on these workshops from April 2016 and the dates of these workshops will be announced in due course.
New funding for 2016-17!!
Good News!!
Health Education (KSS) have commissioned further places for simulation practitioners in healthcare on both of the Simulation Based Modules (‘Principles & Practice of Simulation in Clinical Practice’, & ‘Feedback and Debriefing in Simulation’) delivered at BSMS through the Sussex Simulation Hub.
In addition they have also commissioned 50 places on a series of one day workshops from April 2016 onwards (dates and topics TBC).
Validation and submissions dates 2016
As validation has been delayed again, we have decided to push the submission date from January to April 4th, 2016. This will allow all students time to register as a student well before the submission date.
ASPiH Conference update
The final programme for the conference in the Brighton Centre will be available today through the ASPiH website (see link on the front page). Instructions for presenters in workshops will be provided directly in due course.