Ammendment of module

Minor changes to the assessment profile of the course were made at the validation committee, with the result that for MDM 149 (Feedback and Debriefing) a portfolio of experience will have to completed detailing participant’s teaching, reflection and peer observation of any SBME in their teaching role. This will replace the original assessment format (essay & reflective piece).

For those who have already attended the module during 2015 further information will be sent to you individually.


Spaces on modules

As the summer break draws to an end, we’re fast approaching the next delivery of the Principles & Practice of Simulation module. If you’re interested in attending this or subsequent modules at the Sussex Simulation Hub, there are still spaces available for the modules developed for the PG Cert in Simulation in Clinical Practice.

Principles & Practice of Simulation:
16th – 20th November 2015 OR 25th – 29th April 2016
Feedback & Debriefing in Simulation:

11th – 13th Jan & 5th Apr 2016 OR 23rd – 25th May & 12th July 2016

Prospective students may be eligible for a HE-KSS grant to cover the cost of the modules. For more information regarding grants, please contact Rebecca Burden, Programme Manager for TEL at HE-KSS.

For more information regarding the PG Cert and modules, visit the PG Cert webpage here, or contact Andrew Collins.