B-Right-On Festival

The Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum have been busy putting together an event for LGBT HISTORY MONTH FEBRUARY 2017.

B Right On Festival

The overall aim of this three week project in Brighton is to promote unity, equality and diversity for the benefit of the city.

This is done by:
Increasing the visibility of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (“LGBT”) people, their history, lives and their experiences in the curriculum and culture of educational and other institutions, and the wider community in a safe environment.

Raising awareness and advancing education on matters affecting the LGBT community and its allies.

Working to make educational, lawful and other institutions safe spaces for all LGBT communities.

Promoting the welfare of LGBT people, by ensuring that the statutory authorities recognise and enable LGBT people to achieve their full potential, so they contribute fully to society and lead fulfilled lives, thus benefiting society as a whole.

Events planned include:

  • A Mental Health Day organised by MindOut the mental health service run by and for LGBT+ people
  • A Younger Persons Day
  • An HIV History Day and Big Community Lunch organised by Lunch Positive the HIV charity and lunch club
  • Faith Days organised by the Village Community Church
  • A Disability Visibility Day organised by Accessibility Matters
  • Yoga classes
  • Community Cafe
  • Self Defence classes
  • An LGBT+ Worker & Volunteer Fair organised by the LGBT Community Safety Forum OUTReach project
  • Listening Skills workshop organised by the Samaritans
  • Food outlet run by Lunch Positive Volunteers
  • First Aid workshop for Families & Kids
  • Fundraisers
  • University Lectures
  • Bingo Night supporting Cancer Research
  • A Tea Dance and A Family Day

Live performance events include:

  • Sing a long a Rocky Horror Show
  • Celebration – An evening celebrating 25 years of the Sussex Beacon
  • Open mic night
  • The return of the historic LGBT+ History Ball hosted by the Jazz legend that is Nicky Mitchell
  • Sound Waves a concert of live music featuring amazing guitarist and singer Z Star, Travis Eddie, and Yourgardenday.
  • DIVAS staring Aneesa Chaudhry, Gabriella Parish, Jennie Castell & Hannah Brackenbury.

And that’s just for starters!

Other events include Stella MichaelsTrans Lives Photo Exhibition at the New Steine Hotel and The LGBT Community Safety Forums ‘Accessibility Matters’ Disabled LGBT Lives Exhibition at the Jubilee Library.

The Rainbow Fund have allocated grants to assist groups in delivering outreach at the Phil Star Pavilion.

If you would like to get involved please get in contact!
The following dates are currently available:
Daytimes 10am – 6pm
Mon 6th, Wed 8th, Mon 13th Feb
Evenings 6pm – 11pm
Sat 4th,  Sun 5th, Mon 6th , Tues 7th,  Mon 13th, Tues 14th Feb

For more info on the B Right On Festival please click here
For info on rates please call us on 01273 855620 option 4.


LGBT History Month is an international month-long annual observance of LGBT+ History and the opportunity to commemorate and remember the bravery of those who campaigned and spoke out over the years to help us achieve the freedoms and equality we enjoy today.

The PHIL STARR PAVILION, New Steine Gardens, Brighton, BN2 1PB provides a fully functional stage, light and sound system with heating and bar.

This ground breaking affiliation seeks to engage the city in the wide range of issues highlighted through the work of the Brighton & Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum, as well as partner/stakeholder work.https://www.lgbt-help.com/lgbt-history-month/b-right-on-festival/

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